Beliefs & Superstitions: 
The Haunted House

How do the beliefs and superstitions of the 19th century compare to our beliefs and superstitions today?

  • The 18th and 19th century definition of the word "superstition" had more of a spiritual implication than it does today.
  •  "Through the ages, people believed that certain things, situations and events existed as the result of mystery and supernatural forces primarily because they did not understand them or the things that caused them to be. In a day and age when even the most mundane and commonplace things, such as the revolving of the earth around the sun to produce the difference between day and night were not understood, it is no wonder that more unusual things would be held in awe and feared. It was out of that fear of the unknown (which encompassed practically everything and anything) that superstitions arose." 
                -Larry Smith,
Today's superstitions and actions believed to cause bad luck:
  • Black cat crossing your path
  • Walking under a ladder
  • Breaking a mirror, thought to result in 7 years of bad luck.
  • Stepping on a crack in the sidewalk.
  • Spilling salt on the table, fixed by taking a pinch and throwing it over your left shoulder.

21st Century Beliefs
  • In today's globalized society, it is much more accepted than it was in the Victorian era to have beliefs that differ from those of your peers.
  • Religious beliefs have diversified in part due to the increased accessibility of different types of places of worship.
  • There is a trend in today's society to want to differ from the "norm", whereas in the 19th cetnury, most just acepted the way things were.
Discussion Questions
  1. Are you superstitious? Are there specific superstitions you have now, or used to have as a child?
  2. What are some of the aspects of our lives that require faith in order to believe?
  3. Do you think that technological developments have played any role in this expansion of acceptance and variety of beliefs?